How to prepare for NEET SS24 Surgery

Gaurav Sood
4 min readJun 29, 2020


Aids in NEET SS 24 Preparation

MCQ Type Questions NEET Superspeciality

Preparing for MCH NEET SS 24 Superspeciality is easy. You just need to follow some basic steps, be focused and ready for hard work.

Surgical Gastroenterology, Onco- surgery and Urology are the most sought after branches and most of the times candidates take 2–3 years to crack these.

NEET SS pattern have been changing over time and has now come back to broad specialty with 150 questions. NEET SS 24 preparation is easy if you follow some steps

Things you need to know

You can get selected in NEET SS even in first attempt without spending thousands of Rupees and without wasting your time on useless stuff.

You do not need expensive video coaching lessons, need not go to different cities to get classes, you do not need to spend fortunes in immersion classes.

After all every one teaches from the same 4 books ( in GI Surgery) Sabiston, Schakelford, Blumgart and Bailey for NEET SS.

  1. The best way to study for NEET is to find “study partners”. Look for people like you who are studying your subject. There are 2000 candidates like you waiting to give onco surgery exam, similarly there are 3000 waiting to give Urology.

All you need to do is to study your part and discuss with them. Even if you are in a group of 20 like minded students, your work is done.

This article discusses how useful is the whatsapp group for your success in NEET SS 24

BOOKS to Study for NEET Superspeciality

BOOKS to Study for NEET SS
  1. GI Surgery for NEET — Bailey, Sabiston for General and some parts of Schwartz ( Fluid and electrolytes, Shock, Onco Surgery chapter). For GI Surgery Sabiston from cover to cover in all GI topics. Some GI is given in the initial chapters too.

I have not included Blumgart or Schakelford in these as these are more for institutional exams and less helpful in NEET ( although NEET is 20–20, anything can happen)

2. Onco surgery — Devita for Onco, parts from bailey and Sabiston. General Surgery remains the same.

After you have thoroughly done this, its time to do some mcq books like Pritesh or Sixer for refreshing your MCQ skills. These are more than enough and you will need at least 3–4 revisions of each books.

When to start Studying

Ideal time would be somewhere late in the 2nd year of PG and definitely by 3rd year. That is the most difficult thing, when you have to study MCQs and your university books. You are in a learning period and more oriented towards theory, hands on surgery, ward rounds and clinical examinations. If you could just add “REVERSE MCQs” to that you will be much better off. Ill explain the concept of RM further. Studying MCQs with your theory would only help you gain an insight in the world of MCQs. The grasp of subject would definitely improve and with it clinical acumen

What is Reverse MCQ Studying

Lets take an example, Dr Ram is studying Achalasia Cardia from Sabiston, He makes notes such as



-Pathophysiology and so on…

What if he does 20 MCQs based on Achalasia cardia, two days later. I bet he will not get 5/20 correct. MCQs are designed that way. They check your complete knowledge and studying theory is completely different from doing MCQS. The earlier you start doing MCQ type questions, start discussing in whatsapp groups, the sooner you become ready for NEET Superspeciality. My concept of RM studying is to do small topics from books and check their MCQ questions with answers at the same time.

How to use the books you are studying

Make notes or mark one liners that could be made into mcqs. Revision is most important.

Take note of the tables and figures. Your examiners love picking MCQ type questions from tables, figures and charts in Bailey

Know the latest pattern questions, There is no point in doing MCqs from books 5 years old.

I have a different article on which books to read and what chapters to read in each book. The link is here

To conclude

Start early in your PG. Do not wait for university exams to get over

Do not spend fortunes on online courses when all the books are at your fingertips

Do recent MCQ type questions with theory and try reverse MCQs



Gaurav Sood
Gaurav Sood

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